I believe this construct is interesting poe currency

Rskingdom Discussion started by Rskingdom 4 years ago

In the video I listed you can see PoE trade currency a person run through one of the channels -- Strand. He runs throughout the map including the boss fight, in under 40 seconds. Now, he is using quite a lot of high level equipment, but it still showcases the possibility of this construct. And he is likely overkilling the mobs by quite a bit -- potentially hundreds of times their lifetime complete. I believe this construct is interesting because it showcases how far players can push the envelope. Here we are, although maps were never meant to be conducted in seconds!

(I've put in over 700 hours in that moment, so I really do understand a bit about the sport -- I'm still studying, however.) I love experimenting with new builds, and I've already made ten characters over par 70. All this to say, I've tried a great deal of stuff. My favorite construct is really a Righteous Fire build. It is not anywhere near as weird or interesting as the others, but it will involve quite a lot of math!

The reason why I include this construct is because of cheap poe currency the numbers that go behind it. For people who don't know, Righteous Fire burns the caster for 90 percent of the maximum health and 50 percent of the maximum energy shield every second it is active. And you can not turn it off , once it is throw it remains on until you hit one life. Which basically means if you're in combat you are dead.
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